Natural Remedies For Asthma : : Natural Cures for Common Illnesses

Natural Remedies For Asthma

When we say “natural remedies for asthma” we usually think about a concoction of herbs prepared by our grandparents. The Ancient Egyptians even had one remedy wherein they made a person with asthma breathe smoke from burning herbs on top of clay bricks. Some people might be familiar with their own grandma’s comfort and chicken soup. While all these could have psychological effects, their effectiveness have since been disproven or altogether done away with by the scientific and medical communities.

But all that will change once you read this article. What if you were told that there are scientific efforts now underway to design an all natural solution and verify their clinical effectiveness through scientific means? Wouldn’t that be great?

It is and all in all, there are several clinically proven natural components that do the job ve

1. Urtica Urens
2. Sticta Pulmonaria
3. Sambucus Nigra
4. Quebracho
5. Natrum Sulphuricum
6. Mercurius Corrosivus
7. Lung Porcine
8. Arsenicum Album
9. Belladonna
10. Blatta Orientalis
11. Kali Carbonicum
12. Natrum Sulphuricum
13. Lobelia Inflata
14. Silicea Terra
15. Lobelia Inflata
16. Echinacea Angustifolia

These are just 16 of the 30 plus natural remedies for asthma that have been discovered. They treat the following symptoms:

1. whooping-cough
2. bronchitis
3. dry cough
4. difficulty in breathing
5. suffocation
6. shallowness of breath
7. sudden sensation of contractions on chest

The list goes on and on. Now imagine if all of these natural ingredients could be found in a convenient and non intrusive solution which could be sprayed in your mouth like breath sprays. Wouldn’t that be great?

If you’re an asthmatic then you must know fully well that there is some social effects to being seen around with a breathalyzer. But there is no other solution right? There is. The solution lies in the breath sprays mentioned above. The delivery mechanism for this homeopathic solution first goes orally then seeps in through the blood stream to ensure that the delivery of the solution is effective. It’s just like breath sprays, but this one doesn’t merely guarantee fresh breath, it also makes sure that you can live your life free from the symptoms of asthma.

The natural remedies for asthma couldn’t be better than this. You have the full confidence that you won’t be ostracized for carrying a gadget that you need to suck on. Instead you’ll have the full confidence of a method which only requires you to take two quick sprays. It’s both fashionable and it makes perfect sense for the discerning asthmatic.

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