Archive for December, 2011

How To Lower Blood Pressure Through Natural Ways

Hypertension or high blood pressure has sometimes been referred to as the silent killer. As a matter of fact, a good friend of mine just died a few days ago from a heart attack. He was young and healthy and none of us expect him to be suffering from hypertension. You see, you would not know that your blood pressure is already above 120/80 unless an actual reading is taken. That is why it is very important to know how to lower your blood pressure.

Everyday we eat all kinds of food. But did you know that what you eat reflects your blood pressure? Your kidney is the one part of your body that takes charge of cleaning all unwanted, excess and dirty fluids in your system. In its uniqueness, tiny little cells cluster together to form a filter and directs the waste fluids to the bladder that goes out of your body in the form of urine. This “cell filter” however is maintained through a unique balance of sodium and potassium. The balance is easily disrupted when there is an increase of sodium in your body and a corresponding increase in your blood pressure happens because of the increase of your body fluids. This however can easily be avoided by not eating food that has high sodium content which is usually found in canned goods and frozen food.

To neutralize the sodium and salt in your body, you need to increase your potassium level and this are found in fruits and vegetables. You also get an added bonus from the vitamins and minerals found in every fruit. Among the fruits and vegetables that I have found to contain high potassium are papaya, banana, fresh pears, avocados, melon, other fruit juice and sweet potatoes.

How to lower blood pressure naturally also requires a change in your lifestyle. Going out on parties or night outs with that gang has always been a part of enjoying life. It is wise however to control your drinking and smoking because too much of alcohol in your body can easily trigger an increase in blood pressure. Without spoiling the fun, follow this simple tricks to lessen your alcohol intake. When picking a drink, opt for those with lower strength or low alcohol content. With lots of beers and drinks in the market, this is never a problem so select the lesser evil. If you can’t find one, try adding mixers or water and lots of ice. Let it melt down for a while so that your drink will also last longer. And lastly, try to avoid peanuts and crisps that you can order from the bar. The salt content in this food snacks will make you thirsty and make you want to drink more.