Category : Diets

Healthy Eating Plans for the Entire Family

In making a healthy eating plan for the family, there needs to be both agreement and discipline. The reason why is blatantly obvious but we will go ahead and explain it anyways! The creation of a great and feasible family healthy eating plan involves time and attention. As you begin thinking about the general layout of the plan, try to include every family member along the way. This way, you will not be leaving someone out of the plan as that normally has negative returns.


The best way to kick off this healthy eating plan is to begin with Monday. While this is not the most favored day of the week, it is a great starting point all the same. From there it is on to Tuesday, Wednesday, you get the picture. Once Sunday is hit, the time is right for filling in those hungry days with a healthy, nutritious menu that the entire family will love!

Good Stuff in Great Stuff Out

Since everyone in the family is literally on a diet, this makes it relatively easy to pick up only the healthiest and nutritious items from wherever it is that you predominantly shop. Many families are into the green movement, this makes farmers markets, and roadside veggie stands very popular as places to shop and patronize.

Fibrous Fruits and Yummy Vegetables

Each meal in your family menu should have protein, carbohydrate and some fibrous fruits and yummy vegetables. Remember to count the total calories in your recipe and make certain that everyone will take the right amount of calories that is needed each day of the week. If you run out of ideas concerning any main meal, feel free to improvise and be creative! Once you get it going, you will soon see how easy it is to provide the family with great tasting highly nutritious foods.

Exercise Time?

Now that you have a basic format for creating this family healthy eating weekly planner it is time to have fun and show off not only your cooking talents but also your love for the family. By making certain that each meal has the required food items that are dietary concerned you will be off and running in no time flat! Moreover, speaking of running, maybe the next plan is to gather everyone around the dinner table and start a conversation about, exercise. A great healthy eating plan for the family combined with a wonderful exercise routine is a great combination!

Diets for Type 2 Diabetes

At present, there are certain dietary guidelines developed by The American Diabetes Association for individuals with Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes. In this short article, you can find some of the recommended diets for Type 2 Diabetes.

When you have this type of diabetes, weight control should be your main focus. You could improve your blood sugar or blood glucose levels if you are following a diet plan with fewer calories, equal amounts of carbohydrates and healthier monounsaturated fats, rather than certain carbohydrates

Some of the examples of the food items with monounsaturated fats are almond or peanut butter, walnuts and almonds. It is possible to substitute these food items for carbohydrates, while eating smaller portions because they are loaded with calories.

More often than not, it is possible to significantly boost your control of the Type 2 diabetes with modest weight loss, such as 10 pounds and heightened physical exercise for about thirty minutes of walking daily. Some individuals will take oral medication, use insulin and make certain lifestyle changes.

Meal Planning – Diets for type 2 diabetes

By far the most difficult aspects of controlling diabetes will be the meal planning. As a result, it is best to work closely with a nutritionist and a medical doctor when you are designing a meal plan to maintain normal levels of blood sugar or glucose. This meal plan must provide you or a young child with the right amount of calories that is needed to maintain a healthier body weight.
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Starchy vegetables, beans and grains: You daily diet should include six or more portions of these items. Foods such as bread, beans, grains, pasta, rice and starchy vegetables will be at the bottom level on the pyramid, since they should act as the basic foundation of your eating plan. As a group, those foods are rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber and the healthier carbohydrates.

As a diabetic sufferer it is important to eat fiber rich foods. Choose whole grain products such as crackers or bread, tortillas, brown rice, bran cereal or beans. Try to eat low fat breads like pita bread, English muffins, bagels and tortillas.

Vegetables: You can eat frozen or fresh vegetables in 3 to 5 servings daily without adding salt, sauces or fats. Choose the deep yellow and dark green vegetables, which include romaine, spinach, peppers, broccoli and carrots.

Fruits: Opt for whole fruits with rich fiber content rather than juices and eat 2 to 4 servings daily. It is best to eat citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines and grapefruits.

Milk: You can drink 2 to 3 servings of non-fat or low-fat milk or yogurt.

Meat and fish: You should eat poultry and fish in 2 to 3 servings daily, but ensure that the skin is removed from turkey and chicken. Select lean beef cuts, pork, veal or wild game. After removing all the fat, you can roast, bake, grill, boil or broil rather than frying.

By following the correct diets for type 2 diabetes, you control your symptoms and reduce your chances of developing other health problems.

Top 10 Fast Healthy Meals for Endurance Athletes

There comes a time in the life of a busy multi-sport athlete (and especially the longer, time-crunched, endurance athlete) when you must eat, it must be a complete meal, and it must be quick.

You see, your body can only support high volume training, proper performance, and immune system health for a limited period of time if all your quick meals consist of microwaved Lean Cuisines, gas station trail mix, and even “all-organic” food bars. You’ll eventually crash. So you have to make a habit of regularly eating fast healthy meals and wholesome foods without heavy amounts of preservatives, salts, sweeteners, and synthetic chemicals, and you have to figure out how to do it without huge sacrifices of time and preparation.

On that note, I’m going to share with you my top ten meals that I rely on in a pinch. That is, when I’ve finished a long ride and have to be at work in 10 minutes, when I’ve gotten home from the gym and need to be asleep within an hour, or when I have just a few moments to make a dish to fuel a workout.

Each meal includes a complete blend of protein and carbohydrate for recovery and energy needs, and while none of these fast healthy meals are as tasty as filet mignon, lobster ravioli, or a fully-loaded chopped vegetable salad, they will fulfill the physiological needs of the busy multi-sport athlete. And since many endurance athletes must consume in excess of 5000 calories per day, here is the added bonus: these are relatively cheap eats with ingredients that are budget-friendly.

In no particular order, here are the top 10 meals that I personally make and have committed to memory as my complete fall-back nutritional options. Hell, some of them don’t even have a name, so I had to make up a title on the fly while writing this article. And if you’re wondering how you can ask me questions about these meals, see the snippet at the end of this article, along with a bonus Paleo meal.

10. Mediterranean Surprise: use some whole wheat noodles, quinoa noodles, orzo style pasta, rice or really, whatever. I pretty much grab whatever type of pasta is in the pantry for this one. Prepare the pasta. When it is finished, stir in a small handful of feta cheese, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, a handful of raisins, a handful of almonds, and parsley/salt/pepper to taste. As a tasty bonus, you can throw some capers and garlic in. You can make a bunch of this and eat it all week, and if you’re making it right after a workout, you can take your shower while the pasta cooks.

9. Turkey/Avocado Grilled Sandwich. Quick, fire up a pan drizzled with olive oil or butter. Put the bread on the pan and put the turkey on the bread. While all that grills to a nice toasty texture, slice one avocado and have it ready to slap on the sandwich and pack away or eat immediately. I also include sliced tomatoes and alfalfa sprouts on this one.

8. Soup. I call it soup. My wife calls it heated up vegetables with water on top. Whatever. Put a handful of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and spinach into a pot. For protein, also included cubed tofu (easy to find at grocery store produce section). Pour 1/2 cup water over the vegetables and tofu, and then heat for 8-10 minutes. Stir in salt, pepper, a bit of chicken bullion if you desire, then eat with a spoon straight out of the pot. Or pour it in a bowl if you have time to kill.

7. Dinner Burrito. Just because everyone else calls it a breakfast burrito shall I deem this a dinner burrito. Scramble 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons yogurt or cottage cheese, 1 handful spinach and 1 chopped tomato. Salt and pepper to taste, and then shovel onto a whole wheat tortilla. Sprinkle with cheddar cheese and consume.

6. Zucchini Pancakes. In a blender or food processor, blend 1 chopped zucchini, a handful of sliced red onion, a handful of whole wheat pancake mix, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon olive oil, and 1 handful parmesan cheese. Pour this mixture onto a grill and make pancakes with it (duh, pour it in a pan and grill 4-5 minutes/side). Season with ketchup. Organic ketchup.

5. Tapas. Lovely little appetizers all put together make a complete meal. I slice 1 tomato and drizzle with olive oil, sea salt, and parsley. I slice one pear or apple and sprinkle with gorgonzola cheese (or any cheese, really). I cover one handful of walnuts with honey and cinnamon. I eat it all, nicely arranged on a plate, or napkin.

4. Big Chef Salad. While 1-2 eggs are boiling, mix onto a bowl or plate two handfuls mixed greens, 2 sliced vegetables of choice, 1 handful raisins, 1 handful walnuts, and a small drizzling of olive oil and vinaigrette. Slice the egg and throw it on top, then salt and pepper to taste. If you need more carbs, crumble whole grain crackers for croutons.

3. Mexican Delight. It’s like the Mediterranean Surprise, but a delight is somewhat different than a surprise? right? Use quick 10 minute brown rice. Just as it is finishing stir in black beans, salt, pepper, and any other creative items from the fridge such as olives or leftover salsa. If I’m not showering while the rice is cooking, I throw 1 chicken breast into a pan, and sprinkle with curry or turmeric (which I guess makes it an Indian Delight) and add that as well. Yum?

2. Power Oatmeal. My favorite, bar none. To one bowl of raw oats, I add 1 tablespoon almond butter, 1 tablespoon yogurt or coconut milk, 1 sliced banana, 1 egg and 1 sprinkling of cinnamon. Also 1-2 scoops whey protein powder if it’s handy. Pour boiling water on top and microwave on high for 60 seconds, or just mix everything together on the stovetop.

Warning: very calorically dense and should be consumed 2 hours prior to or immediately after a workout.

1. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. My signature dessert. Use a small half bowl of plain, fat-free yogurt or coconut milk. Add 1 tablespoon peanut or almond butter and 1 tablespoon dark chocolate pieces or cocoa mix. Close your eyes and imagine you just took it out of that little orange wrapper. For added calories, add 1-2 scoops of protein powder (will make it a very “mousey” texture).

Disclaimer: your spouse and children may not share any affinity for these meals.

BONUS PALEO MEAL: If you’re one of those caveman style Paleo folks, then try this in-a-pinch Paleo meal: grab any meat you can get your hands on, like a chicken breast, slab of grass-fed beef, or fillet o’ fish, throw it onto a bed on spinach, and drench the whole mixture in olive oil, balsamic vinegrette, salt, pepper, and if desired, a bunch of chopped sweet potatoes or yams that you let cook while you were working out.

A Heart Healthy Diet

A healthy lifestyle that helps promote good heart health and cardiovascular function includes a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, fiber, whole grains and low-fat dairy products as well as low-fat sources of protein.

We have all seen the “Heart Smart” symbol on packages. Just 25g of soy protein as part of a diet that is low in saturated fats and cholesterol reduces your risk for heart disease. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. It is an organic compound of 22 amino acids. Protein is stored in muscles and organs. The body utilizes protein to build and repair tissues as well as for the production of enzymes and hormones. Protein makes it possible for the blood to carry oxygen throughout the body. Protein is considered to be a “macronutrient,” meaning the body needs relatively large amounts of it. The Institute of Medicine of the national academy of Sciences has concluded that our daily protein requirements should be 10 percent to 35 percent of our total caloric intake, with men needing slightly more than women. A lack of protein can cause a loss of muscle mass, decreased immunity, as well as a weakening of the heart and respiratory system.

When getting started on a heart healthy diet it is important to learn how to read labels. Be careful. Everyone seems to be trying to lure people to buy certain products by tagging it with a label like “low-fat” or something. This doesn’t mean it is heart healthy or a good choice. The product may be low in one thing but high in something else like sugar or sodium. When reading a label be sure to look at the serving size.

You may see that a product only has 2 grams of saturated fat but when you look at the serving size that 2 grams is based on a serving size of 1 ounce and it is a 20 ounce package. The 2 grams of saturated fat just became 40 grams. You will also want to look at the amount of sodium, the number of calories, the amount of sugar, the nutritional content, etc.

How much sodium should you have? It is recommended for your heart health to keep your daily sodium intake below 2000 mg.Taking in too much sodium can increase your blood pressure. High blood pressure is not good for your heart and can lead to kidney disease as well as heart disease.

Why should you watch the calories? Being as little as 10 lbs. overweight increases your risk for heart disease so be sure to control your calorie intake. Extra weight makes your heart work harder so maintaining a healthy weight is important for heart health. When on a calorie controlled diet your calorie intake should never be below 1200. To lose weight all you need to do is reduce the amount of calories you burn daily by 200 calories and adjust your caloric intake to reflect this number.

Protein is not the only thing we need for good heart health. We need a complete balance of vitamins and minerals. Getting all the vitamins and nutrients we need is impossible with diet alone and it can be frustrating. Too many calories, too much sugar, too much sodium etc. Stick it out. It is important to your good health and it gets easier. There are many foods to choose from and you will eventually be able to develop meals and snacks that are not only heart healthy but that you like. You will get the most nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables an d meats so try to stick to the outside aisles of the grocery store. Whole grains are also important. Get as many nutrients as you can from fresh foods. Supplement the rest with a good nutritional program that provides cellular nutrition. Cellular nutrition provides the right balance of vitamins and minerals at optimal levels to ensure your body is getting all the nutrition it needs at the cellular level.

Here are some ingredients to help you develop a heart healthy diet. I have included in the ingredient list the foods that you may find these ingredients in, plus the benefits these ingredients have for your heart health and cardiovascular system. Use this list to determine what heart healthy foods will be beneficial to you. If you are already consuming these foods and have had blood tests that suggests elevated cholesterol, blood pressure or other heart disease related scores you may need to be taking in these ingredients at more optimal levels or include some supplements in your heart healthy diet to get your numbers at a healthier level. However, it is important to discuss any supplements you take with your doctor if you are on medication for anything.

Astaxanthin: protects the heart and other organs from oxidative stress (Food Source: Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Shrimp, Lobster)

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Assists in dilation or expansion of vessels, required for energy production ( food source: Beef Kidney, beef liver,beef heart, spinach, broccoli)

Folic Acid: Protects the vascular system ( food source: Asparagus, broccoli, avocados. brussel sprouts, orange juice, spinach, fortified cereals)

L-Citrulline: Supports the production of L-Arginine ( melons, fish, meat, poultry, dairy)

L-Taurine: Supports energy and Nitric Oxide production ( Organ meats, fish, oysters)

Neptune Krill Oil: Provides 3 heart healthy compounds: Omega-3 fatty acids, philosopholipids and antioxidants for enhanced nutrient absorption and antioxidant protection.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Help maintain healthy cardiovascular system by maintaining cholesterol and triglyceride levels already within a normal range. (Salmon and other fatty fish, flax seeds, walnuts)

Quercetin: Antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress. ( Cabbage, cranberries, kale, pears, grapes, apples)

Plant Sterols: Shown to reduce LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and total cholesterol by blocking cholesterol absorption. ( Whole soybeans, whole grains, healthy vegetable oils (ex. soy)

Vitamin A (beta carotene, mixed carotenoids): Antioxidant that protects the heart and other organs from oxidative stress. ( Deep green or deep yellow vegetables, carrots, spinach, kale, cantaloupe, apricots)

Vitamin C (absorbic acid): Antioxidant that protects the heart and other organs from oxidative stress. Vitamin C helps preserve Nitric Oxide in the body. ( Papaya, red bell peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, strawberries, oranges)

Vitamin E ( D-alpha tocopherol, mixed tocopherols): Antioxidant that protects the heart and other organs from oxidative stress. Vitamin E helps preserve Nitric Oxide in the body, supports circulation, and strengthens blood vessels. ( Wheat germ oil, almonds, sunflower oil, safflower oil, hazelnuts)

Vitamin B-6: Promotes healthy homocysteine levels already within normal range (Fortified cereals, beans, meat, poultry, fish, bananas, garbanzo beans)

Vitamin B-12: Promotes healthy homocysteine levels already within a normal range. ( Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products)

There are several alternative medicines that are effective in lowering cholesterol and preventing some types of heart disease. These include:

  • blond psyllium
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Flaxseed
  • Oats and Oat bran
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Plant Sterols and sterols

As with an alternative medicines, talk to your doctor before adding any new supplements to your treatment regimen. Even natural medicines and herbal supplements can interact with medications you are taking.

Heart Disease has affected my family personally and the lives of many. In fact, every 34 seconds someone in the U.S. dies of heart disease. The survivors may go on to live a lifestyle less than the quality of life we deserve.

My grandmother lived the last 8 yrs of her life with COPD and was confined mostly to the house as she was hooked to oxygen. My aunt suffered a stroke in 2001 and has been in a nursing home confined to a wheel chair for the past 8 yrs. Last year both my mom and my dad underwent open heart surgery.

Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, proper diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise can prevent heart disease. Don’t let it happen to you.


Your heart is important to your quality of life start taking care of it today and protect your future tomorrow. Develop a heart healthy diet today. As a personal Wellness Coach and Herbalife Independent Distributor my goal is reduce heart disease and chronic illness. People are dieing too long and living too short. We can improve this by getting the proper nutrients in our diet.

Eat Smart! Stay Trim!

Do you know that the basis of healthy eating is smart eating? Yes, and do you also know that eating when you want to have good health does not really mean going on a very strict and rigid diet wherein you are already being unreasonable and skinny, and even depriving yourself of the foods that you actually enjoy eating? Yes again.

You see, smart or healthy eating is more on you deciding to live a lifestyle that is healthy and not like the old one you normally do. It is actually something that should make you feel good and make you look good, too. It means having the energy to live and enjoy your life to the fullest without worrying that you might be eating the “wrong” food or other concerns. It means living life to its 100% full and loaded all the time.

But of course, there is always the idea and the thought that you would like to stay trim while eating, right? This is where healthy living enters the scene. In general, healthy living should include making healthy food choices and eating them out smartly. This process will definitely help you reduce any risk of having any of the killer diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases.

It can also help you in staying emotionally and mentally sound and fit. It will also show by the way your mood is stabilizing and by the fact that you are mentally alert always. And most importantly, healthy eating or smart one for that matter will help you increase the chance of having a prosperous and eventually successful career.

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All of these can start not by making drastic and all-of-a-sudden changes in your present lifestyle but rather by making small leaps and manageable steps that you know you can handle and carry on for a long time. All you just got to do is to have that needed commitment that you are going to really change for the better and gradually doing it religiously. When you do this, a healthy lifestyle is soon to be yours, faster than you would even imagine.

Let us go to the other issue, your desire to stay trim and fit. Yes, it is possible to eat and stay trim at the same time. All you have to do is to simply the diet you are in now. Slowly but surely is the key here. Rather than measuring everything up, why not add color and variety to the meals that you include in your diet. Gradually, eat foods that are fresh and not processed, add different ingredients that will still ensure your goal. By doing this, your diet will eventually become a whole lot healthier and tastier, too. You see now? No need to deprive yourself.

  • Do not also attempt to go on a crash diet with the nagging thoughts that you have to be trim overnight. This is a total nonsense! And will eventually lead you to cheat on yourself and eventually failed in your goal. Eating smart to stay trim is not really going on some crazy diet and some drastic changes that you expect to happen overnight. Rather it is a process that includes small but realistic and attainable steps that you have to undertake in order to reach your goal.
  • Do not also forget to move around. Do some exercises that will aid in your diet. Simple ones like walking and running can already supplement any diet. The important thing is that you burn calories so that they will not be stored in as fats.

With all of these said, achieving your goal of eating smartly and staying trim will not be an impossible one anymore. Good luck!

Boost Your Immune System And Digestion By Eating Oat Bran

Are you getting the right amount of nutrients from the food you eat everyday?

Imagine yourself being made to choose between a juicy burger over a bowl of leafy greens, which one would you pick? The burger, of course.

For some people choices like this come everyday. If you’re an avid eater of junk foods and fast food meals, the decision to grab the burger is an easy one to make. Unknown to many, the health cost of this simple gesture such as picking the food you consume everyday, may have a large impact on your life.

Good Health Starts in The Stomach

Good health is dependent primarily on the food that we eat, as well as the activities we do each and every day. A person who spends his or her time eating fast food meals and junk foods for breakfast, lunch or dinner, as well as indulges in drinking hard liquor and smoking heavily, may find themselves sickly or even less capable to perform physically challenging activities.

Various ailments and diseases may easily crop up if the body is frail. It is far easier for viruses and bacteria to infect and spread throughout the body if the immune system is incapable of defending the major organs. The body’s immune system plays a very important role in keeping bad bacteria away, and helping the organs, like the kidney, liver and pancreas in their roles of filtering out food-borne pathogens and toxins.

Take cholesterol for example. Cholesterol can be mostly found in animal food products. Huge amounts of cholesterol in the body may force the colon linings as well as blood vessels to be constricted. This is turn may force major organs to fail or shutdown. Cholesterol has long been considered a major culprit in most cardiac or heart attack cases.

Eating Superfoods

There are many organic or natural foods that can be taken that has the effect of strengthening the body’s immune system and keeping health problems like diabetes, heart attack and cholesterol away. One of the best superfoods that is highly recommended for daily consumption is Oat Bran. This superfood is rich in vitamin B complex, minerals, proteins and most especially dietary fibers.

Fibers for Good Health

Fiber has been well known to keep the digestive tract in a clean and healthy condition. Fiber is commonly referred to as nature’s broom and has the effect of cleansing and absorbing toxins and other water-soluble cholesterol from the body, for easy excretion. Dietary fiber is essential for good health, and a lot of people should invest on Oat Bran to get their daily requirements of oats and fibers.

If you’re hoping to prevent diseases and ailments from keeping your body to achieve top shape, you should always consider the type of food that you eat. Organic and natural foods are highly preferred over junk foods or fast food products. Paired with regular exercise, a person can easily achieve a healthy lifestyle today.

A Diet for a Healthy Heart

Anything worth working for requires strong commitment and persistence to achieve. With anything important, you need to follow a definite plan over time to accomplish your goal.

A healthy heart is no exception. You can’t have one without living healthy. And Healthy living can’t be achieved without a healthy diet. Here are five basic steps for a healthy diet.

  1. Avoid bad fat in your diet. The saturated fat and trans fats found largely in red meat, whole milk dairy, coconut and palm oils, almost all processed foods and Crisco are killers. These unhealthy fats lead to high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease by clogging the arteries. As much as you can, eliminate saturated and trans fats from your daily diet. It will significantly lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Avoid white flour products. Bread, cereal and pasta made from highly refined white flour are processed in the body just the same as sugar. White rice has a similar reaction. These highly processed foods elevate blood sugar levels putting enormous stress on the pancreas to produce extra insulin. Eventually the pancreas breaks down causing diabetes.Instead, eat only 100% whole grain foods. They’re rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber and will help improve your circulation, prevent diabetes and control your weight.
  3. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Experts recommend from five and to nine servings a day. Of all foods, fruit and vegetables offer the most valuable nutrition per calorie. They’re high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber and low in fat. They will also support weight control. For insurance, you might also consider taking good quality natural nutritional supplements.
  4. Eat more beans, lentils and peas. They have nearly as much protein and fiber as meat, but without the fat and cholesterol. If you’re preparing meat, be sure to broil, bake or roast it after trimming outside fat and skin. It’s the healthiest way to cook meat.
  5. Choose non-fat or low fat dairy. Whole milk dairy products (cheese, yogurt and ice cream) are much too high in saturated fat for a healthy heart diet. Eating no more than four eggs a week is also a good idea.

Follow these five tips and you’ll have a much healthier heart. You’ll also have the satisfaction of reaching a good goal. So enjoy your success.

But if ignore these tips, you could be setting yourself up for a lot of trouble. Are you aware that in 50% of heart disease the very first symptom is death by heart attack!

    Green Tea Weight Loss

    If you are looking for a natural weight loss supplements then green tea is best slimming resource you can lay your hands on. It is not just a great beverage but is also an effective aid to reduce your body weight and ensure improved overall health at the same time.

    Above all, it seems to be a great tasty way to lose weight!

    Green Tea Weight Loss

    It contain antioxidants that are called polyphenols and catechins that boost your metabolism. Not just this, it contains another kind of compound that is called ECGC (epigallocatechin gallate) which is a highly effective appetite suppressant.

    This is how green tea can me you lose weight quick and fast:

    1. First of all, polyphenols and catechins help flush out toxins from your body. Losing toxins itself can result in a loss of a few pounds but more importantly, it ensures a boost to your metabolic rate. Increased metabolic rate makes it easier for your body to burn fat at a faster rate. Thus, you body is able to lose accumulated fat.
    2. Secondly, having a cup of green tea after a meal can prevent the secretion of Insulin. This is of great importance since it is the hormone that is behind fat storage in your body.
    3. Last, but not the least, ECGC helps curb your appetite so that you eat less. This helps you get over your food addiction.

    The net effect is that you can lose weight really fast. However, it all depends upon the quality of tea you use. Tea that is made of whole leaves is better in quality as compared to one that is made with dust.

    Good quality green tea is a powerful blend of varieties such as Sencha, Puerh and Wuyi Cliff Oolong.

    Such a powerful blend of 3 high grade green tea varieties can ensure super fast weight loss. Not just this, it can also ensure many other health benefits.

    Such a tea can also boost your immune system and increase resistance to diseases and infections. Not just this, it can also ensure younger looking skin. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants and it helps neutralize free radicals and slow down the process of aging.

    Another important benefit of such tea is that it can reduce stress. It can calm down both your body and mind. No wonder, Chinese have been drinking tea for thousands of years to ensure better overall health.

    Extreme Diets

    Extreme Diets Are Not The Way To lose Weight

    If you are planning on starting a new diet any time soon, be careful on what route you take. Some people will fall into the mindset that the best way to lose weight is with one of the many extreme diets available these days. These kinds of diets may be tempting due to the claims that celebrities make about using them with so much success. In all actuality this is rarely the case and most of the time you will see them put the weight back on just as fast as they lost it.

    What’s Wrong With Extreme Diets

    There are so many things that are wrong with extreme diets that it is a bit overwhelming that so many people turn to them for weight loss. The best route for weight loss is to eat a well balanced diet. Our body needs proper nutrition to function at its maximum potential day in and day out. Most of the time these extreme diets will deem one food type to be bad for your body and claim that you will lose weight if you completely cut it out. When you deprive your body of the proper nutrition, you put yourself at risk of decreased energy levels, constipation and minimal weight loss. Some other common side effects that extreme diets contribute to are headaches, bad breath, increased gas build up, body odor, muscle loss, and difficulty concentrating. There is a good chance that when you use an extreme diet, you put your body at risk of more serious damage to your heart, liver, kidneys, and muscles. A good idea before starting any of these extreme diets is to consult a physician and get their professional opinion.

    Among the worst of these extreme diets are those that advocate drastic calorie reduction to the point that your body will for sure go into starvation mode. This is a great way to get none of the results that you wish to have from starting your diet. It is proven that when your body goes into starvation mode, that it will hold onto as many calories as possible in order to have energy when you don’t eat enough. So anything that you do eat will be stored as fat. These extreme diets will do nothing good for your body and will be sure to have results that are less than desired.

    How Should We Be Losing Weight

    The best way to go about weight loss is to setup a well-balanced diet, and stick with it. Among the easiest foods to assume are harmful to your body are fast foods, candy, and soft drinks. When trying to lose weight DO NOT eat any fast food, as they are loaded with tons of sodium and preservatives that are just bad for your body. Soft drinks are usually better at dehydrating you than providing your body with any sort of useful water content. The most important weight loss tip is to drink plenty of water. If your thirsty drink a glass of water. If you drank 3 pops a day that would be near 600 calories of useless nutrition. Replace all soft drinks with water and you will not only feel better, you will start to lose weight faster than ever before.

    Following extreme diets are a sure fire way to put your health at risk, and you will be much more prone to put any weight you lose back on after your diet is over.