Natural Cures Using Hypnosis : : Natural Cures for Common Illnesses

Natural Cures Using Hypnosis

Hypnosis simply put is: concentrated relaxation. While in a deepened state of relaxation a particular problem or result can be thought about with a specific outcome in mind. When hypnosis is used in natural or alternative medicine can help the body heal it’s self.
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Alternative medicine uses herbs and other natural products along with hypnosis to help speed up the healing process. Many health issues treated naturally with the use of hypnosis have helped cure people completely. Health problems like stress, sleep disorders, weight loss, and sexual dysfunction have all been successfully treated naturally with hypnosis.

There is a real place for hypnosis in natural medicine. The list of health problems cured or treated using hypnosis is long. Alternative medicine isn’t the only use for hypnosis. Hypnosis is also used by people to stop smoking, end procrastination, goal attainment, and cure fears.

Hypnosis guides you past your conscious mind and into your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind can’t determine the difference between reality or imagination. While in this state of mind, you imaging yourself having the result you want. For example if you want to stop smoking you would picture yourself as a nonsmoker. Over time, if not immediately, the subconscious mind accepts this as reality making the behavior or result happen.

There are two types of hypnosis, Self hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Self hypnosis is using techniques to relax and guide yourself through images of what you want to change. In hypnotherapy a certified therapist guides you through this process. Many people choose the two using prerecorded hypnosis sessions on Cd’s, MP3’s, or on DVD video.

A simple technique to self hypnotize yourself is using auto suggestion. There are three parts to auto suggestion.

  • Auto questioning. In a quiet place seriously talk to yourself and ask yourself why you drink soda. For Example. Honestly ask yourself what are the benefits, what are the drawbacks, and why you want to quit.
  • Formulate suggestions. Write down several suggestions about why you don’t want to drink soda. Write these using you instead of I. For example you may write something like: You don’t like the taste soda leaves in your mouth, you prefer to drink only water, your body feels lousy when you drink soda. Try and put three reasons in each sentence. Repetition helps convince the subconscious to make your goal happen.
  • Auto suggestion. In this step you have to be deliberate and unwavering. Every morning, afternoon, and evening repeat these suggestions ten times out loud. When doing this speak in an assured voice. The best way to read these suggestions is to change how you say them. Say them as a statement, a question, or say them in a flamboyant way that you would never do. This tricks the subconscious into accepting them as facts.
  • Do this every day and within a short while you will begin to see results. You can use this technique for any problem or health issue you want to remedy for yourself naturally. There are many other self hypnotizing techniques you can use and many books on the subject.

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