5 Natural Energy Boosters: Tips to Feel the Boost

Any discussion of natural energy boosters should first point out the unnatural methods and why they are so bad. Many people turn to caffeine and sugar to give them a quick jolt in energy, but these things will eventually do more harm than good.

Even if you don’t experience a “crash” from caffeine or sugar, you are teaching your body to search for these things for energy. Eventually, you will need more sugar or more caffeine just to meet your cravings. This is a potentially dangerous situation and certainly not a healthy way to live.

So here are five natural energy boosters that will wake you up, make you alert, and increase your feeling of well-being without the harmful side-effects:

1. Berries

Berries are quickly becoming nature’s golden food. The antioxidants in berries have become the craze of the health food world. But did you know that these things can also give you energy?

Yes, with berries we are talking about natural sugars. This will provide a nice boost in a healthy way. If you’re going to have sugar then you might as well also improve your health at the same time. Simply awesome!

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2. Citrus

Have you ever taken a good whiff of a citrus fruit? If so, you probably know what a refreshing feeling you get from the scent of a citrus. It certainly does wake you up and get that oxygen flowing through your brain. And it’s not just the smell of citrus either that makes it so great as a natural energy booster. These fruits also provide you with natural sugars and a load of vitamin C. This all means a nice boost and health benefits. That’s a beautiful thing.

3. Vitamin B12

Yes, vitamin B12 gets a lot of press for its energy boosting capabilities. This hype is well-deserved. Supplementing with vitamin B12 can give you a quick, yet sustained, energy boost without the drawbacks of caffeine. A lot of energy drinks have B12 in them, but why not just get the stuff and combine it with healthy foods for the best of both worlds?

4. Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise literally means “exercise with oxygen”. This type of activity forces the body to take in more oxygen. This oxygen cycles through the body, including the brain. This will lead to a heightened sense of well-being and a greater feeling of energy. Running, power-walking, jumping rope, bike riding, are all great forms of aerobic exercise. So if you have enough energy to get up and get moving, you will be greatly rewarded for your efforts.

5. Fresh Air

This is perhaps the easiest and most underrated energy boosting tip. Just get outside and take in a nice big breath of fresh air. This will wake you up and get some good fresh oxygen flowing through your system. Many times this is all you need. So take a break from what you are doing and get some fresh air. Just a few minutes can make a big difference.

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